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BNP, like-minded parties to hold rallies in all cities today

Published: 23:39, 17 March 2023

BNP, like-minded parties to hold rallies in all cities today

As part of the ongoing simultaneous movement, the main opposition BNP, its associate bodies and like-minded parties who prioritize restoration of the country's democracy through a return to fair elections are set to hold rallies in cities across all divisions on Saturday to press home their 10-point demand, including holding the next general election under a non-party caretaker government.
The program is also meant for registering the opposition parties' protest against the rise in the prices of power, gas and essential items, and mounting pressure on the government to release BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia without any condition, essentially to drop the 'false' cases against her.

This will be the 10th program of the simultaneous movement that started coalescing in December, towards the end of a very successful divisional rally program of the BNP that attracted massive crowds in all ten locations it visited. Tomorrow's program was announced from the human chain program observed in all district towns and 13 organizational divisional cities, including Dhaka on March 11.

As part of the program, BNP's Dhaka south and north city units will arrange a rally in front of the party's Nayapaltan central office in the afternoon. 
Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, the party secretary general, will address the rally as the chief guest.

Besides, all other metropolitan city units of BNP will also arrange a similar program to be attended by party senior leaders, including standing committee members. 

Apart from BNP, Ganotantra Mancha, Jatiyatabadi Samamona Jote, Gonoforum and People's Party, Jatiyatabadi Samamona Jote, Peshajibi Ganatantrik Jote, 12-party alliance, Bam Ganatantrik Oikya and LDP will also hold separate rallies from 11-12pm in different areas of the capital.
