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The South Asian Times | সাউথ এশিয়ান টাইমস

Tale of an Immortal poetry


Published: 10:33, 8 March 2024

Tale of an Immortal poetry

On March 7, 1971, Dhaka was a city of processions. People came on roads from different parts of the country as they were like a sea tide of people. The Racecourse grounds were full to the brim that moment. The assembled millions erupted in roars again and again. A speech that spread like magic, a speech that inspired millions of hearts, a speech that paved the way for freedom - it is undoubtedly the greatest speech of all time, an immortal. So the speech was no longer just a speech, it became an immortal bond. 
This speech of Bangabandhu is so popular among Bengalis and appeals so strongly to the generation that students of all know the speech. This speech has settled in their hearts. Whenever I close my eyes, I can hear the thunderous speech which is forever, forever, and forever. The West has called him the 'Poet of Politics'. Bangabandhu's March 7 speech has been researched at various times. March 7, 1971, is an important day in the life of the Bengali nation for which millions of Bengalis were waiting. Speech from the mouth of the greatest Bengali beloved leader of all time, were waiting to get the motto to prepare ourselves for the war of liberation and come out of fear and give maximum resistance. After unarmed Bengalis were attacked on March 25, the Bengalis got the spirit of armed resistance on March 7. In front of everyone, standing on the open stage, declaring independence in a loud voice moved the hearts of Bengalis. Even today, when I see any video footage of that day on the TV screen, I feel a kind of excitement in my blood. It seems that I am sitting in front of that stage and waiting for the declaration of independence. 
Bangabandhu's 7th March speech has been translated into many languages. This speech was included in the 2014 book "We Shall Fight on the Beaches: The Speech That Inspired History" compiled by historian Jacob F. Field about the best speech of nearly two and a half thousand years. Who will understand the importance of this speech more than Bengali? Who else will love more than us? The power of the speech against tyranny is not comparable. On October 30, 2017, Bangabandhu's historic speech was recognized as a world heritage by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Affairs Organization UNESCO. Documentary heritage is those documents that have traditional significance in a cultural context. And the list of those traditions is 'Memory of the World International Register'. In addition to preserving these documents, UNESCO started this program in 1992 so that the people of the world can know about it. Researchers say that one of the major characteristics of Bangabandhu's March 7 speech is its universality and humanity. This speech serves as an inspiration for any oppressed people. This speech gave a nation a dream, a hope.
This speech gave courage to all the people of a country to face the oppressor together. On that day Bangabandhu gave them confidence and desire. Freedom is a touchstone that every citizen wants. We wanted to. We got freedom after a lot of sacrifice, a lot of labor, and blood. Bangladesh started its journey from almost nothing on the path of today's prosperity. After the partition of the Indian subcontinent in 1947 based on the two-nation principle, Pakistan became East Pakistan and West Pakistan. In East Pakistan, the ruling group of West Pakistan started depriving Bengalis of their rightful rights in every way. They continue to exploit in all areas. The people of East Pakistan have always been denied a fair account. Bengalis were imprisoned under the siege of discrimination. First, they hinder our freedom of language. Bengalis achieved language rights with blood. Since then, the demand for independence grew stronger as the days passed. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman called for independence on March 7, 1971. That was to weave the dream of freedom in the hearts of Bengalis. Then on March 25, that night came in Bengali life. Pakistan army brutally attacked sleeping unarmed Bengalis. Freedom was achieved after nine long months of fighting with the invading forces of Pakistan. The new country we found then had nothing to begin with. Even the intellectuals of the country were killed just before the conquest to stop the nation. What a despicable plan! Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered this speech at a time when danger awaited him at every step. He had to speak very carefully. He is a hero in history. In history, He is immortal. Experts have analyzed Bangabandhu's speech from various perspectives. It is not known whether there is any other speech in the world with such a combination of aspects and such far-sighted spirit in one speech. In his speech he highlighted the exploitation and deprivation of the downtrodden people of Bengal, he highlighted the oppression of Bengalis in his speech, he talked about non-communalism in his speech, he talked about democratic spirit and finally, he talked about freedom. As the tumultuous sea of people eagerly waits to hear the declaration of independence, Bangabandhu utters his final command – "Be ready with what you have.' As soon as people heard the words of freedom, millions of people at the front prepared their minds for freedom. But this Bengali had no weapon. People gathered courage and inspired patriotism to liberate the motherland. That speech of Bangabandhu is the name of an inspiration, indeed. 
The writer is an essayist and columnist. He can be reached at Email- sopnil.roy@gmail.com
